Big Hammock Lounge

Supex Center is one of the training facility site for the big corporation in Korea. The site situated on the north facing slope by the large bbq party deck area serving about 200 people at one time. Along with installation of group furniture sets, big-sized hammock serving for more than group of 20 people is proposed. Lab D+H firstly proposed 2 designs with 2 levels of spaces sit on the slope, eventually design optimized into single layer with longer span sized design to provide with certain level of fear and levitated experience. Hammock settings of various sizes can accommodate people of various sizes, and the narrow walkway at the perimeter edge serves as an observation space and a table for hammock use.

Design Name

Big Hammock Lounge

Lead Landscape Designers

YoungJoon Choi

Design Team

Byeonggil Choi, ZaiYan Zhao, Sangeun Cho, Aili Zhao


Chungju, Korea

