Walktime: Mosaic Garden
The design for Chengdu Longfor Walktime envisions a contemporary mix of lifestyles, where an assemblage of intimate gardens, public space, and commercial streetscapes intertwine to create a rich and dynamic living community. Beyond diversified programs and activities, the “MOSAIC OF LIFESTYLES” concept also inspired the physical geometries and forms that are carried throughout the project’s details. Within this mixed-use development is a residential garden that is organized by a looping pathway. While the circuit observes fire lane requirements, it guides residents towards amenities such as exercise rooms, a children’s playground, water features, and garden pavilion. An enriched and diverse planting palette adds multi-seasonal interest and whimsical shifts in colors, aromas, and textures. Considering the positioning and budget of the project, we carefully designed it to create the richness of spaces with less big trees and less plants layers, enhanced the quality, and created value to customers and tenants. Through positive communication and with support from our client, this project is a rare and innovative practice in the “design style” led environment in China now.